DW Disha Wellness

Cancellation Policy

At Disha Wellness DW, we aim to provide flexibility and convenience if you need to cancel your order. Below are the details for cancelling orders at different stages:

Order-Level Cancellation
Before Confirmation:
You can cancel your order online before it reaches the confirmed stage. Once cancelled, the applicable refund will be credited back to your original payment method. The cancellation process can be initiated through the following communication channels:

Email: Send us a cancellation request. (dishawellness@yahoo.com)
Customer Support: Contact our customer care team for assistance with your cancellation.
After Product is Picked/Shipped:
Once a product in your order has been picked or shipped, the order can no longer be cancelled.

Special Offers and Promotions:
If your order includes products purchased under a special promotional offer or any exclusive scheme, order-level cancellations will not be applicable.

Pickup/Dispatch-Level Cancellation
After Product is Picked/Shipped:
Once a product has been picked or shipped, cancellation for that individual product or the entire order will not be possible.

In Transit or Out for Delivery:
Cancellation is not allowed once the shipment is in transit or out for delivery. All products included in the shipment will be non-cancellable at this stage.

We hope this clarifies our cancellation policy, and we appreciate your understanding.